About the Contributors

Lily Baumgartner, Contributor
Lily, class of ‘2025, is in a Friends journalism class. At school, she plays softball and is a math tutor and member of the Green Club. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering at the SPCA and baking.

Ben Bunkley, Contributor
Ben, class of ‘25, is a member of the Friends varsity soccer, basketball, and lacrosse teams. In his spare time, he indulges in photography, music, and fashion.

Tessa Calabresi, Contributor
Tessa, class of ’25, is a Friends School yearbook Editor-in-Chief, One Love club head, and dancer.

Braeden Daniels, Editor-in-Chief

Scarlett Davis, Contributor
Scarlett, class of ‘25, is a student athlete on the Friends varsity soccer and lacrosse teams. She participates in student run plays and school musicals. Scarlett enjoys rock climbing and listening to music in her spare time.

Connor House, Contributor
Connor, class of ‘25, has been at Friends School for 11 years. He is a class co-president, and a co-head of the Finance and Robotics clubs. He also plays baseball.

Ramsey Kissack, Contributor
Ramsey, class of 2025, is a senior at Friends School of Baltimore. Besides being a journalism student, Ramsey is an avid tennis and volleyball player. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends.

Ellie McDonald, Contributor
Ellie, class of ’26, likes tennis, reading, and history. She also participates in Model UN, orchestra, and Crochet for a Cause. Outside of school she volunteers for St. Vincent de Paul and spends time with family.

Paul Meenan, Contributor
Paul, class of ’25, loves volleyball, making clothes, and going to concerts. He’s been at Friends since 8th grade and has been in and been head of clubs such as Political Voices.

Adam Nicolson, Contributor
Adam, ‘25, is in his 4th year at the Friends School of Baltimore. Adam’s favorite subjects are math, physics, and computer science and he enjoys taking part in the math and robotics clubs. Outside of the classroom, Adam enjoys lifting weights and is captain of the basketball team.

Isla Ottmann, Contributor
Isla, class of ‘25, is in Friends School’s Journalism class. She runs a ceramics club with her friends and is a part of the field hockey and golf teams. She enjoys her English and language-based classes.

Ella Palmer, Editor-in-Chief
Ella, class of ’25, enjoys writing for the Quill and leads the Model UN and Mock Turtle clubs at Friends. Outside of school, she enjoys reading, walking, playing tennis, and spending time with friends and family.

Noah Pangaribuan, Contributor
Noah, class of ’25, enjoys climbing, listening to music, and reading. He plays volleyball, Ultimate, and wrestles for Friends. His is a co-head of the Asian Student Union, the head of the Friends School Climbing club, and a part of Model UN. He is passionate about foreign affairs, geopolitics, and classical guitar.