Friends Gives Thanks

Q: What are you thankful for?
A: “My friends, my health, and my family”
Q: What are your favorite Thanksgiving food and your most overrated Thanksgiving food?
A: “Well, you caught a vegetarian, so I don’t really eat much on Thanksgiving. I really like the dinner rolls. I love rolls. And the most overrated is probably turkey. Kind of a hot take, but okay.”
Q: What traditions will you celebrate this week?
I do the turkey trot in the morning, but I walk it. I don’t run. But it is the same, because I still get my workout in before I go and eat all of that bread. I’ve done the turkey trot ever since I was little. And we’re going to my cousin’s house, which is what we usually do.

Q: What are you thankful for at Friends?
A: “I am thankful for the accepting community here. As a new teacher, I was a little nervous, trying to fit in with everyone here, but that kind of went away as soon as I got here.”
Q: How will you spend your Thursday?
A: “I will be taking my family to the Blessing of Hounds at Saint James Church. And then we will go to my mother’s house after that.”
Q: White or dark turkey meat?
A: “I like them both. But if I were to pick one, Mr. Hammer made us delicious fried turkey last Friday, and the white meat was really good.”

Q: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
A: “Cranberry sauce”
Q: What are you thankful for?
A: “My family and friends.”
Q: What Thanksgiving traditions does your family have?
A: “We decorate the Christmas tree.”

Q: What are you thankful for?
A: “Good health.”
Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
A: “Stuffing.”
Q: Least favorite?
A: “Whatever vegetable is on the table.”
Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
A: “Gosh I’m old. In 1980, my nephew was born the morning of Thanksgiving. And it snowed!”
Q: What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
A: “It’s a deep breath before the concert season.”

Q: What traditions for you have for the break?
Vivian: “My family comes over to my house and we have a big turkey and a feast.”
Kynleigh: “Well, for Thanksgiving I always go to my cousin’s house, and I hang out with my cousins and we watch movies.”
Elsa: “I go to my grandmother’s house and we watch a movie.”
Tali: “I always go to my aunt’s house and I always hang out with my cousins and things.”

Q: What are you thankful for at Friends?
A: “Honestly, my job is pretty great. One, I get to teach all of you. Oh, you know, sometimes your teachers are hard on you but we have pretty great kids […] And I got to fry a turkey? Like, what other job lets you do that? I don’t know. I like working here. Pretty thankful for that.”
Q: What holiday traditions do you have?
A: “I will go to my aunt’s house, which my mom makes me go to every year. Hopefully she won’t see that online. And my uncle will… attempt to make some sort of barbecue and sneak it in even though we’re all supposed to be eating turkey. Oh, and I will come home with a giant container of cranberry sauce. That’s the most important tradition.”
Q: Is your favorite Thanksgiving food the turkey that you fried?
A: “That’s up there. I gotta tell you, it’s pretty good. But still, cranberry sauce.”

Q: What are you thankful for?
A: “I am thankful for taking care of myself mentally. I feel like it’s really important, especially during this time because we’re about to transition to winter, and I can get really down.”
Q: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food, and what’s the most overrated Thanksgiving food?
A: “My favorite Thanksgiving food is the baked mac cheese. That is essential. It’s really good. And the most overrated Thanksgiving food would probably be turkey. It’s a staple. It’s good, but it depends on who makes it. And I feel like it can get dry, like, really fast.”
Q: Would you say dark meat or light meat?
A: “Oh, yes. Light meat.”
Q: What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
A: “Thanksgiving to me means family, being surrounded by people you love for sure. And a reflection of what you have done over the year and what you’re thankful for.”

Q: What are the most overrated and underrated Thanksgiving Foods?
A: Overrated? Green Bean Casserole. It’s popular when it shouldn’t be. Underrated, homemade cranberry sauce – especially when you incorporate spices and orange zest.
Q: What are your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?
A: I can’t celebrate this year because my family is apart, but usually my family cooks and eats a big meal together and watches football. This year I am just celebrating with my partner.
Q: What are you thankful for this year?
A: I’m thankful for the Friends Community. I appreciate my mentors Darryl Tiggle and Jessica Monterastelli, as well as the wonderful FSB seniors. I’m also thankful to have a new challenge in a new city.

Q: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
A: My family and food.
Q: What traditions does your family have over Thanksgiving break?
A: I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s this little bead ring, and each bead has a meaning. We would do brown [beads] for the birds we hunt, the turkeys. For the food, orange for the pumpkins.

Q: What are you thankful for at Friends?
A: “All the great teachers”
Q: What is your favorite thanksgiving food?
A: “Apple pie”
Q: Will politics come up at the thanksgiving table?
A: “Probably”
Q: What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
A: “It’s a time to be with your family”

Q: What are the most overrated and underrated Thanksgiving foods?
A: Overrated? Green Bean Casserole. I go straight for the potatoes, stuffing and Turkey. Underrated: Sweet potatoes with marshmallow on top.
Q: What are your Thanksgiving traditions?
A: I celebrate with my parents and sister, eating traditional Thanksgiving food.
Q: What are you thankful for this year?
A: I am thankful that my parents are still alive and that I wakes up everyday. We’re all getting older, and every day isn’t guaranteed.

Izzy: I’m thankful for friends family and my iPad. I don’t have a favorite food. I like turkey and cranberry sauce. Since our family is South Indian, for dessert we eat, I forget what they’re called but they’re really delicious.
Van: My favorite food is tofu because I’m vegetarian. I’m thankful for my family and friends.
Pierce (not pictured): We usually have blueberry pie and ice cream. We play football or just run around until late. I’m thankful for my cousins that don’t live in Baltimore, and we can hang out.
Q: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
A: Cranberry juice.
Q: Not cranberry sauce?
A: No.