Review: ‘It Was Good Until It Wasn’t’ Struck a Chord
Except for the skits, I loved this breakup album, and related to it.

The album cover for Kehlani’s “It Was Good Until It Wasn’t”
November 2, 2022
I had spare time this weekend, and Kehlani is one of my favorite musicians. So I went on a musical journey, and listened to her new album, “It Was Good Until It Wasn’t.”
This was my first listen to the album, and I had high expectations. Everyone I’ve asked has told me they have mixed emotions about it. But I liked it overall. I listened to all 15 songs:
The song started with the lyrics “I get real accountable when I’m alone.” Not the best way to start the album off, so I was unsure of how the rest would go.
Can I
I love the way it starts with these cool instrumental sounds I’ve never heard before. I also love the rhythm of the way she sings the melody.
Bad News
This song is about a man scared to commit to a relationship. I find it hard to commit to a relationship too, because I’ve never taken the other party seriously enough. So for this song, I have to say I can relate to the male. Kehlani says, “Take a little time from the wild out, You could slow the time down with me babe” – which I think is her way of telling the man she can see past his pain and still love him.
Real Hot Girl
This song is a skit, and not my cup of tea.
Before hearing the song, I thought she would sing about being miles apart across an ocean. Instead, she talks about people not being able to connect because their astrological signs clash: she is a Taurus, or Earth sign, while her significant other is a Sagittarius, or Fire sign.
Change Your Life
This song’s lyrics are a bit more emotional. I think she is still trying to convince the male party she is on his side.
Belong to the Streets
This song is a skit too; very PG-13.
Everybody Business
In this track, the singer is tired of being patient, waiting for him to decide what it is he wants, so she becomes more aggressive to prove her feelings towards him are genuine
Hate the Club
In an interview with Genius, Kehlani says “she goes to the club to see someone despite her hate towards clubs,” and that “she is being fearful to approach the person.”
Serial Lover
In this song, she is saying she is attracted romantically to multiple people – which I think is not a bad thing, because it gives her options. I liked the song. It’s probably in the top three for me.
F & MU
This song’s title is an abbreviation for f$#% and make up. No need for an explanation, because the title speaks volumes. Again though, not my favorite song.
Can You Blame Me
I like the beat on this, but I feel like it was a lot for this particular song.
This track sounds to me like the singer is juggling a lot in her mind. It sounds like a breakup song, but her tone of voice is not sad – it’s almost joyful, in a way. In her Genius interview, she said: “This song is one of my favorites, that takes me to a whole different place.”
Open (Passionate)
“man. this my second favorite,” Kehlani reportedly wrote on Twitter, according to Genius. “this song is about open relationships but the idea of maybe being too deep in it for that change. but kinda knowing it’s probably a better move.” This is my favorite song on the album by far. I watched the music video, and loved the visual concept. And she directed and filmed the whole video! That was so mind-blowing to me.
Lexii’s Outro
The last song on the album featured a lot of voices. I almost thought it was a podcast, since they talked throughout the song. It had a verse from her late friend, rapper Lexii Alijai. Kehlani says the lyric: “ You were such a star to me because every word you spoke was true.” This is so sad to me, because I never knew that they were friends.
Overall, since I had such high expectations as a fan, I would say I liked 10 of the 15 songs on the album, which is not bad. I cannot wait for her to release another album soon, so my ears can be blessed with her angelic voice yet again.