I tend not to know many people that well. This has a big impact on my social life. But when people really try to get to know each other better, it’s interesting how perceptions can change. Anyone has the potential to become a friend, best friend, enemy, partner, or even family. My podcast project explores how much getting to know a person can change the way you see each other.
Myself From A New Perspective [Podcast]
It’s hard to know how other people see you. In this podcast, I asked my girlfriend’s family about their first impressions of me, and how they’ve changed.
William Egan, Contributor
May 30, 2023
I built this magnetic shape, which didn’t have a name as far as I knew. My girlfriend named it a “łöùÿdjœškå,” which, according to her, means absolutely nothing.
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About the Contributor

William Egan, Contributor
William, class of ’24, is a member of the Aquaponics club, and is interested in a variety of scientific topics, especially engineering. In his spare time, he occasionally builds with magnets, and finds isopods to be interesting.